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- Xbox One First Impressions
Posted by : Unknown
Sunday, 6 October 2013
First we were introduced to the Playstation 4 then 2 weeks before E3 2013 we were shown the Xbox One. E3 comes round and it appeared that one company showed gamers what they wanted the other kind of fumbled still. Read on for the Xbox One thoughts.
For me I’ve never been a Fanboy of any system. Normally by the end of a generation I have both consoles anyway has there is normally games on both that I would like.
At the time Xbox One was revealed I was the owner of only an Xbox 360. So going into the Xbox One reveal I’m very Pro Xbox (and the fact that I hadn’t even seen the PS4 reveal only read about it) and from what I saw, Microsoft produced the xbox that looks like an old VCR. I mean I’m all for retro things but come on Microsoft it looks like a DVD-VCR for christ sake. The next big fail for me was all this sport and watching TV on my Console which is already plugged into my TV… To me that was just like WTF am I hearing and watching here!!! But then I was kind of impressed at the whole deal with what they did with Kinect (2.0) and the main dashboard. What I mean by this is what they showed did look pretty cool but then they shot themselves in the foot again! Why you ask well at the time of the reveal they pretty much killed the Pre-Owned market by making it non-feasible to buy pre-owned games. No wonder EA made themselves look like they were changing their minds on the Online Pass.
Moving onto E3… The Xbox One press conference was watched with nothing but silence. I couldn’t believe that Microsoft would not of listen to the backlash of what came from angry gamers after the the XBOne reveal. They continued with pushing forward with the initial plan they already had. Which in my opinion screwed gamers over more than provided for them. As for the Xbox One Games reveal, nothing really took hold of me as “Must Buy” that type of game. I don’t care about some Halo TV project but I did like the Reveal of Halo FIVE even though they want to refer to it as Halo. To me Microsoft have dropped the ball big time with XBOX One. They are repeating most of the mistakes Sony made at the start of the current generation of console gaming in my opinion.
Since then Microsoft have done U-Turn after U-Turn making me think that XBOX One is the wrong name for it… Maybe taking a page from Nintendo call it the Microsoft Xbox U or Xbox U-Turn.
[ Please note I have not played either these are my thoughts regarding the systems from what we have been shown by Microsoft ]